In your own words, tell us what MI Group of Companies does?
At MI Group, we are helpers and guides for non-technical small businesses desirous of transformation. Every startup, entrepreneurs, and small business owners have a dream. And there’s no question that that dream is to become better at what they do. We provide the resources to help them achieve their goals, so they can focus on serving their customers and leave the technicalities, strategies, and tactics to us. Regardless of where they are on their business journey, our focus is to help them get to the next level. So we are a hybrid next level technical squad if I may say that lol.
MI Group has been around on a global level since 2009 and active in the US since 2015. Over the years you have led success projects worth over $100 billion combined — that’s impressive! What’s the secret to the company’s growth and longevity?
I don’t know if it’s a secret really. I think every successful company, do a set of things the same way. It’s a lot of hard work and dedication, 20 hour day, going the extra miles for our clients and just upholding our values. We’ve kept our vision to transform businesses alive, and focus on serving our clients. No matter what happens on a given day, our client’s satisfaction is a number one priority.
We couldn’t do any of this without a team. And our team are our most valuable resources. We have talented people from various cultural backgrounds who speak other languages and have perspective that makes the work we do exiting and fun all the time.
Imagine sitting in a room or on zoom call where you switch languages, get a taste of cultures and norms from around the world. That level of diversity has kept us growing and remains a big part of our future.
We are a fully remote team, and though we have hybrid opportunities for all of us to work together, that constant communication between us is golden. We are now like a massive family.
Give me one word that describes MI Group the best.
That’s like asking a parent who’s their favorite child. But I would say reliable. We’ve learnt the art and science of what it means to be exceptionally reliable.
What’s MI Group’s biggest accomplishment thus far? Where do you want to go?
We’ve done a lot of cool things over the years, but I would say our biggest accomplishment so far is our diverse team. We’ve been through a lot together especially during this season of pandemic, but we’ve stuck together for the most part. We’ve been there for each other, exercise patience and flexibility with each other, laugh and cry, share wins and losses together. And the most incredible thing is a lot of us have not yet met in person. We’ve made it work by finding ways to make it work.
At some point we will have a global event where everyone will meet and spend some time together.
Our vision to reach and transform as many businesses as possible is still very much alive. We haven’t started scratching the surface yet, so there’s plenty of work to be done.
We don’t want to be a Microsoft or a Google, but we certainly will be recognized as one of the most transformative hybrid tech and marketing company in the world.
I understand you work with a lot of business that don’t have tech backgrounds. From a digital perspective, which one of MI Group’s services do you think is most beneficial for businesses?
So because the work we do spans across two industry verticals technology and marketing, this combination has been the most beneficial for our clients.
When you don’t have to call multiple places to help you get things done, it’s a huge time and money saver and that’s what businesses are after. The one-stop shop effect that we offer allows a single conversation to be dissected multiple ways and it works well.
Clients can build digital products with us and at the same time develop digital marketing strategies and tactics to reach customers for those products. It makes their world easier and that’s what we are all about.